
Saturday, January 14, 2023

"Y" Opportunities for High School Boys, Employed Boys, Jan. 14, 1923

Hi-Y Club Meets Tuesday

The Durham Hi-Y club enjoyed a very pleasant and helpful evening on last Tuesday when they had the privilege of hearing Roy L. Vail speak on the work of the Hi-Y. Next Tuesday evening they will meet at supper at 6:30 after which Dr. A.D. Wilcox will lead the discussion with them on “Leadership.”

The high school boy who misses the fellowship and free discussion of this club misses one of the chances of his life. For admission see Harry Jordan, the president, or Lyman Bishop, secretary.


Employed Boys’ Brotherhood

The employed boy members of the Y.M.C.A. will meet at the association Monday evening at 8:15 o’clock. In addition to some business to come before the club, they will take up the study of “The Campaign of Friendship.” This is an opportunity for employed boys to make a study that will mean much to their lives. The class is open to employed boys only.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Jan. 14, 1923

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