
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Drunks at Carnival, Ferguson Caught, Baby Born, C.A. Presnell Improved, Feb. 15, 1923

Many Drunks at Carnival

The carnival that was located in Lower Creek bottom last week was given instructions Tuesday by Sheriff Sherrill that the county had declined to issue license for this week. The carnival moved yesterday.

There are a good many reports about the evidence of whiskey about the carnival Saturday night. “Drunks were everywhere,” is the way one visitor put it. Blockade liquor seems to have been plentiful, anyway, last week. Possibly a few successful runs had been made.


Negro Runs Into the Officer and Is Nabbed

Larkin Ferguson, a negro of the King’s Creek section, was caught Saturday morning as he was trying to make a get-away from a blockade still. Sheriff Sherrill and Policeman Thompson had located the still on Cripple Creek. The negro became alarmed before they got close enough to catch him and started running up a ridge. Officer Thompson was approaching the still from that direction and took the negro in charge. He was given a hearing before Squire Tuttle and bound over to Superior Court under a $300 bond, which he has been unable to give.

The still was a copper outfit, with wooden head and bottom. This was brought in. About 350 gaqllons of beer was destroyed.



Mr. and Mrs. K.L. McCorkle announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Lockle, on Feb. 5.


Mr. C.A. Presnell, who has been sick at home and in the hospitals for several months, is able to be in town again.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Times, Thursday, Feb. 15, 1923

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