
Saturday, February 18, 2023

Edwin Pate, 15, Wants to be in Movies, Feb. 18, 1923

Kinston Youth Will Get Chance in Movies

Kinston, Feb. 17—His own perseverance, coupled with the interest of local friends, will get Edwin Pate, 15-year-old boy of this city, a “chance in the movies,” it was stated today. Young Pate has only one leg. He believes there is a “niche” somewhere in filmdom for a one-legged actor. He is satisfied he has some histrionic ability. Friends here will “stand by him” until his venture has proved to be a success or failure. A big producer with headquarters at New York will sponsor the lad’s adventure in the mystic land of close-ups and fade-outs.

Pate is regarded as clever by his friends. He is a bright-faced fellow. Minus a limp since infancy, he does everything a “complete boy” would do. He wrote a movie manager he could “do anything except walk on two feet.”

From page 13 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, February 18, 1923

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