
Monday, February 6, 2023

European-American Tobacco Company Expanding; Hardware Store Bought, Feb. 6, 1923

Oxford Man Is Vice-President of Big Tobacco Co. . . The European-American Tobacco Company Organizers with Mr. J.F. White of Oxford as One of Its Important Officials—To Erect 25 New Warehouses

(Richmond News Leader)

The European American Tobacco Company today awarded the contract for the construction of 25 tobacco warehouses to cost approximately $250,000 to E.L. Bass & Bros.

Ten of these warehouses will be located in Richmond and its immediate vicinity and the balance at important tobacco towns throughout the state. Henry T. Barnham, architect and supervising engineer for the company, stated that construction would begin within the near future and that the storage houses will be ready for operation at the beginning of the tobacco season.

The plans call for uniform type and size in all the storage capacity of 2,000 hogsheads of tobacco per house. With the necessary trackage, each house will occupy an acre of ground.

The European American Tobacco Company Inc. was incorporated under the laws of the state last fall and will encourage in a general selling and exporting tobacco business. Plans are now being made for the construction of redrying plants at various points.

Present offices of the company are in the Mutual building and the managing officers are C.D. Riggan, Henderson, N.C., president; J.F. White, Oxford, N.C., vice-president; and O.D. Evans, secretary and treasurer.


Hardware Firm Changes Hands. . . Mr. J.M. Baird Buys the Hardware Business of C.D. Ray & Son

Mr. J.M. Baird, for many years connected with the Acme Hardware Company, has purchased the hardware business of C.D. Ray & Son on College street.

C.D. Ray & Son will continue to operate their lumber and building interests.


M.J. Clark with the Acme Hardware Co. . . Will Move His Family to Oxford in the Near Future

Mr. M.J. Clark, who has been with the Allen Hardware Co. at Henderson for several years, is now affiliated with the Acme Hardware Co.

Mr. Clark has had many years experience in the hardware business, and is a most efficient and capable business man with pleasing address. He will move his family to Oxford at an early date.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, Feb. 6, 1923

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