
Monday, February 27, 2023

Granite Falls News Briefs, Feb. 27, 1923

Lyceum Course at Granite Falls. . . The Last Attraction of the Lyceum Course Will be Given March 1

The last attraction of the Lyceum course will take place in Granite Falls Thursday night, March 1, when the Apollo Trio will appear. Three charming young women will give a program of songs, stories, impersonations, costumed readings, violin and piano music. The entertainment will be given in the school building. Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Russell and family and Mrs. J. P. Houck of Granit Falls spent the afternoon at Hildegrand Sunday.

Mrs. Florence Russell returned from Baltimore Thursday. She was buying spring millinery for Mrs. W.F. Russell’s store.

Mrs. Edward Clement spent the week end with her mother in Hickory.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bolick and little son spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Deal.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of Charlotte spent the week end with Rev. N.C. Williams.

Mr. W.L. Deal is spending several days in Charlotte on business.

Granite Falls citizens met last night at the school building to organize a “Booster Club” to take the place of the Chamber of Commerce, so as to give desired information from letters, etc., written to the town. Their object is to look after the welfare of the town.

The Granite Falls Milling Company, which was owned by J.O. Deal of Kernston, Va., was sold Wednesday to the Granite Falls Milling Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Atwater of Gastonia are spending some time with Mrs. Atwater’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Abernethy.

Rev. J.J. Bickley was called to South Carolina on account of the illness of his mother.

Mr. E.G. Suttlemyre has returned form a business trip to Raleigh.

A.P. Turnmyre of Mt. Airy is at home for a few days.

Mrs. A.D. Abernethy entertained the Philathea class at the Methodist church Saturday evening. After business was over the young people were served with refreshments and reported a fine time.

Mrs. Lula Hickman entertained the Ladies’ Aid Society at her home Friday evening. Refreshments were served.

The Community Club met Thursday evening at the school house. They were entertained with a George Washington program. The main business feature was planning a banquet for the Boosters’ Club.

The B.Y.P.U. gave a George Washington party at the home of Mrs. H.|C. Mackie, Thursday night. Refreshments were served, consisting of ice cream and cake, with small hatchets frozen in the cream.

Sam Cline left Sunday for San Francisco, Cal.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1923

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