
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Home Demonstration Corner by Miss Edna Reinhardt, Feb. 1, 1923

Home Demonstration Corner

By Miss Edna Reinhardt, County Home Demonstration Agent

The schedule of regular meetings for the week beginning Jan. 29(?), has been much interrupted by “flu.” Meetings at Oakdale and Sylvan have been postponed. The Whitney and Saxapahaw clubs met Monday. The Manndale Club will meet Thursday and the Spring Club Saturday.

Meetings for the week beginning Feb. 5th will be held as follows:

Tuesday, Feb. 6th, sewing, at Friendship.

Wednesday, Feb. 7th, salads, at Bethany.

Thursday, Feb. 8th, Eldermont.

Friday, Feb. 9th, salads, at Woodlawn.

Saturday a specialist from the Horticulture Department will give several pruning demonstrations in the town of Graham.

Now is the time to enroll in the Poultry Clubs. Send in your name to the Farm Agent or to the Home Agent at once. If you want purebred eggs we will be glad to help you find them.

The scales for weighing the school children have just come and you may expect an invitation to the school house soon. Let’s check up and see how well nourished we are in Alamance county.

The enrollment period in the room-beautifying contest has been extended to March 1st. Get in this race, girls. Good taste and common sense count more than money in this contest.

From page 4 of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Feb. 1, 1923

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