
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hundreds Signed Up for Boys and Girls Club Work in Moore County, Feb. 16, 1923

Boys and Girls Club Work

Never before has boys and girls club work in Moore county been so promising as this year. There are 12 different projects being stressed in this work, and each project is already well represented. For the livestock and farm crops Mr. Wall will direct, while Miss Bradford will have supervision over the domestic science work.

We understand that already more than 200 have signed up to carry on some phase of work this summer, and the larger schools are yet to be heard from. Just as soon as Cameron, Carthage, Vass, Southern Pines and Aberdeen send in their report it is estimated that more than 500 boys and girls will be enrolled.

More than $250 has already been subscribed by the business men of Carthage for a boys and girls show at that place next Thanksgiving Day and the day following. This fair will be put on by members of the clubs themselves and most every community is represented on the various committees. The fair will be held in one of the big tobacco warehouses and the program will be carried on in the new courthouse during the evenings.

Some wonderful results were obtained last year in the club work and now it looks as if still greater achievement will be made during this year. Any boy or girl from 8 to 18 years of age is eligible, and once the parents fully understand the work there is no trouble in getting their support. The teachers have aided considerably in establishing this work in the various schools.

This boys and girls fair will in no way have anything to do with any of the community or Sandhill fairs as it is a distinct and separate organization put on by the boys and girls and is under the supervision of the county and home agents. This event will be watched with the greatest of interest and we hope it will continue to be an unusual event.

From the front page of The Pilot, Vass, N.C., Friday, Feb. 16, 1923. Boys and Girls Clubs would become what is known as 4-H Clubs today.

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