
Friday, February 17, 2023

In Durham Recorder's Court, Feb. 17, 1923

Number of Cases Tried on Friday. . . Embezzlement Formed the Greatest Number of Offenses Before Court

Friday’s session of recorder’s court was another short affair with a variety of offenses being charged against the defendants appearing for trial. Several of the defendants were charged with embezzlement, most of which cases were continued.

W.E. Herndon was fined $5 and the costs for speeding an automobile. Half of the fine was remitted.

Louis Jones was required to pay the sum of $2.50 with the costs added for loafing about the union station.

The case against William T. Silver for embezzlement was continued until February 21st.

Probable cause was found in the case against Frank Hogan for manufacturing whiskey and he was bound over to superior court under bond of $500. This is the second alleged offense. He was captured last Wednesday in Lebanon township while the still was being operated.

Charles Vowell was arraigned for embezzlement. Motion in non-suit was made at the close of the evidence for the state. The motion was allowed and the defendant discharged. He was given a hearing on a second charge, that of false pretense, and the case was continued until Saturday. He was required to give bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance.

From page 3 of the Durham Morning Herald, Feb. 17, 1923

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