
Friday, February 24, 2023

Introducing Uncle Walt to Kinston Free Press Readers, Feb. 24, 1923

Introducing Uncle Walt

Beginning Monday Uncle Walt Mason, the great prose-poet, will be a daily contributor to these columns.

In making this announcement The Free Press takes pride, for Uncle Walt’s article is one of the most wholesome and entertaining features of the modern newspaper. His philosophy of life, told in his quaint way, is read by millions of people every day. The great newspapers of the country appreciate his worth and give space to his contributions. The Free Press is glad to enter the circle of select papers in which Uncle Walt appears. For some time it has been the intention of the editorial department to add this attractive and popular feature. It is but in keeping with the policy to make The Free Press the best paper that it is possible to do.

We hope our readers will make it their daily habit to read Uncle Walt. Following the “Daily Bible Thought” and the quotation which lead the editorial columns will be Uncle Walt. Look for him every day!

From the editorial page of The Kinston Free Press, Feb. 24, 1923. A collection of Uncle Walt’s columns printed in 1910 are available online courtesy of The Project Gutenberg at

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