
Friday, February 10, 2023

John Webb Laid to Rest in Oxford, Feb. 10, 1923

Prominent Citizen Buried in Oxford. . . John Webb Laid to Rest

Oxford, Feb. 9—A large assemblage of friends filled the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon, attending the funeral of John Webb who died Wednesday. The service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. F.F. Cumerford, assisted by Rev. S.K. Phillips of Fayetteville, a former pastor of the deceased. The choir rendered beautiful music. Seldom has been seen in Oxford such a profusion of beautiful floral offerings, attesting to the love and respect in which the deceased was held. Rev. Phillips, who was a warm personal friend of Mr. Webb, spoke a beautiful tribute of love and appreciation which showed what high respect was felt for this influential citizen of the community.

From page 6 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Feb. 10, 1923

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