
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Men Whip Mrs. Wilson and Her Children at Her Home Tuesday Night and Bob Davis at His Home Wednesday Night, Feb. 2, 1923

Town Aroused by Mob Attacks

Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 2—Two whippings by mobs in the last two nights in the Baconton neighborhood in Mitchell county, 16 miles from Albany, have aroused that community, and the Baconton council has offered rewards for information that will lead to the apprehension of the guilty persons.

The first attack occurred Tuesday night, when a party of white men called at the home of Timothy Wilson, a negro, and beat up his wife and children. According to the negro woman’s story, the attackers, who were not masked, asked for her husband, and when she informed them he was not at home, they beat her and the children so severely that they required the services of a physician to dress their wounds. None of the members of the party were recognized.

Wednesday night a similar party of white men, also unmasked, called on Bob Davis, a white man, and gave him a severe beating. Davis also failed to recognize any of his attackers.

No reason for the attacks has been given.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Friday, Feb. 2, 1923

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