
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mrs. Logan Disinherits Granddaughters Who Ignored Her, Feb. 19, 1923

Mrs. Logan Disinherits Two Who “Ignored” Her

The will of Mrs. John A. Logan, widow of General Logan, filed here for probate, disinherits her two granddaughters, Mary Louise Logan De Sancay and Edith Josephine Dilworth.

Mrs. Logan declared that she one had a great affection for them, but they “completely ignored the existence of myself and their aunt, Mary Logan Tucker, and have treated me with such unpardonable indifference that I cannot forgive them or allow them to share with their brother, John A. Logan III, in my affections or benefactions.”

The daughter is directed to burn all the private letters of General Logan and of his widow and the publication of any extracts therefrom is expressly forbidden.

--Washington Dispatch

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Monday, Feb. 19, 1923.

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