
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Of Local Interest, Kinston, N.C., Feb. 12, 1923

Of Local Interest

The Weather

For North Carolina: Rain tonight and Tuesday. Rising temperature. Increasing northeast and east, shifting to southeast, winds, probably becoming strong Tuesday.


Catholic Services

Services will be held at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening at the Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity. The day is Ash Wednesday. Everyone is welcome.


Dr. Spilman Quite Sick

Dr. B.W. Spilman, Sunday school expert and president of the State Baptist Association, is quite sick with grippe at his home on North Queen Street. He has been sick for a week, and his condition Monday,m although not necessarily regarded as alarming, was such as to cause his atte4nding physician to forbid him having any company for several days.


Said to Have Confessed

James Craddock, arrested here recently after a long search, is said to have confessed to a militia officer that he robbed the national guard armory at Goldsboro of five pistols. Emmett Pope of Goldsboro is reported to have confessed to keeping watch while Craddock entered the armory. It is believed the men will be tried in Federal Court at Wilson or New Bern.


Church Attendance Campaign

Encouraging results were had from the “Go to Church Sunday Evening” campaign being conducted by the pastors’ association, according to the reports which wee obtainable by The Free Press Monday. . It was not possible to reach all the pastgors, but those who were he4ard from reported increased attendance. The best estimates that could be made from the information at hand was that there were between 13 and 14 hundred people in attendance at the white churches in Kinston Sunday night.


Bond Issue All Right

The Lenoir County commissioners have declared legal authorization of the $300,000 bond issue to be floated here for school improvements. According to the official statement of the commissioners issued today, the election last month was carried by a majority of 256. The school officials are expected to sell the bonds during the next few weeks. A $300,000 issue floated in the neighboring town last week brought a good, premium on the market. The local school district embraces the municipality and a narrow outlying zone.


Dawson Home Robbed

John G. Dawson’s wardrobe is concerning friends here. Burglars were today reported to have entered the residence of Mr. Dawson in North Kinston. The family are in Raleigh where Mr. Dawson is residing temporarily as speaker of the house of representatives. Entrance to the dwelling was had through a window. Relatives and friend went through the house when it was discovered that it had been broken into. They were unable to discover the loss of anything other than clothing, all of which had been removed from the house, and German rifle that had been given to the small son of the family. It was considered possible that the Dawsons had taken the greater part of their wearing apparel to Raleigh with them.


Party to Raleigh Tuesday

A large party of his fellow countians will go to Raleigh Thursday to felicitate John G. Dawson, Speaker of the House. It will be a tardy recognition of the honor that has come to the county but it is a fact that the Chamber of Commerce and official promoters of the “party” have been trying to hold it for the pastg three weeks. A death in the family of the speaker occasioned one delay, bad weather another. The celeb ration will be staged this week “if the weather permits.” The local delegation will leave here at an eaqrly hour in the day, traveling in autos. They will greet Mr. Dawson and other prominent men of the State at a luncheon. They will return during the afternoon. It is possible that a hundred places will be laid for the luncheon. Dawson is the second speaker from Lenoir within 10 years.


Bossy Might Be Grandma

Alfred Cheney will address Episcopal Bible School men here on the religions of Brahma and Buddha, with which he became familiar during many years residence in the East. He told the class briefly Sunday that the followers of Brahma seek to develop superminds and super-souls. In their belief a soul may leave its body, “go a-visiting” and come back at its leisure. “The Brahmans are past masters at the art of hypnotism. A fakir will hypnotize a street crowd and make them see boys climbing slack ropes in the air. I had one throw a poppy at my feet. I looked down and saw a mass of squirming snakes. I was scared half to death while the hallucination lasted.” The dominant religion of India is very complex, Cheney said. “They believe in transmigration of souls. One walking through a path does not kick a cow out of the way. He treats her with consideration. She may be the reincarnation of his grandmother.”


Suspected and Shot At; Simple Error

“Bevo” Webb, local instructor of high school athletics and former Georgia Tech. football star, is glad that Walter F. Harding is either a poor pistol shot or a man of discretion. Webb made a simple mistake when he started home to go to bed on a recent night. He drove his flivver into the wrong driveway. After the car was well back in the driveway, Webb discovered his mistake. He lived next door. He gave the flivver gas. The noise aroused Harding, well-known banker. Mr. Harding appeared on the scene under the apprehension that a thief was trying to drive off in his own automobile. Two shots from Harding’s pistol aroused the neighborhood. Harding, it was understood, only intended to frighten the supposed thief. Webb stopped his machine and started explanations immediately. Mutual regrets followed. Then Webb went to Allan Osborne’s, next door, and carefully examined the premises preparatory to going in and to bed.


Business Personal

Harry Pearson, well-known Queen Street merchant, left Sunday night for Baltimore and New York, combining pleasure and business. He will be away about a week.

From page 6 of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, Feb. 12, 1923

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