
Monday, February 20, 2023

Register, Pigford, Sutherland Killed When Train Strikes Car, Feb. 20, 1923

Three Clinton Men Are Killed by A.C.L. Train

Goldsboro, Feb. 19—Two men were instantly killed and another was fatally injured when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by the Atlantic Coast Line passenger train at a crossing on the outskirts of this city about 10 o’clock last night.

The dead are James R. Register, E.R. Pigford and Herbert Sutherland, all of Clinton.

Sutherland was removed to a local hospital in an unconscious condition and died about four hours after the crash. The bodies of Register and Pigford were horribly mangled. The victims of the accident are said to have all been prominent citizens of Clinton.

An inquest will be held as soon as the engineer of the train can be summoned to testify.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1923

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