
Friday, February 10, 2023

Short Day in Judge Graham's Recorder's Court, Feb. 10, 1923

Short Session of Recorder’s Court. . . Judge Graham Disposed of Small Docket in Short Order on Friday

Recorder’s court Friday was not a very lengthy affair, and none of the cases tried were of any special importance or interest. Only five defendants were docketed for trial except the cases continued from other sessions of court.

John Ray and Walter Horton were tried on charges of drunkenness and each was fined $5 and the costs with half of the fines being remitted.

Rachel McNeal was found not guilty of retailing.

Judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs in the case against Mrs. Rachel Riddle, charged with assault and battery.

Jake Horner was given a hearing on a complaint and peace warrant. No just reason to fear the commission of the offense charged was established by the court but he was found guilty of assault and battery. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of costs. If he should at any time during the next two years show an inclination to make trouble, he will be arrested and again brought before the court.

Tom Herndon failed to pay fines aggregating $15 and the costs for assault and battery with deadly weapon and drunkenness, therefore his fines were changed to road sentences, the judge giving him 30 days for each offense. He appealed and his bonds totaled $50.

From page 6 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Feb. 10, 1923

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