
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Woke Folk Win, Feb. 28, 1923

Wake Up

In every town, village, city, and in fact in any inhabited place on earth, there are people who never seem to realize that this is a wide-awake world in which we live, an age when the sleepy, dull person never accomplishes anything. Nowadays the fellow who is quick to grasp his opportunity and to take advantage of it is always a fellow who holds the big jobs, and to whom the world looks up.

If you have the idea that the world owes you a living, the quicker you get rid of it, the better off you will be. The only course for you to pursue through life is to be the watchful person. You have heard the saying that “Faint heart never won fair lady.” The modern version is “Sleepy head never won a big salary.” The road to success lies not only through Perseverance Alley, but down Wide-Awake Street, in the middle of the road.

--T.J.G. Jr.

From the editorial page of The Pointer, Feb. 28, 1923

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