
Friday, February 3, 2023

Tull Hotel Needs to Expand, Feb. 3, 1923

Tull May Be Enlarged; Hotel Unable to Care for Normal Patronage

In response to an inquiry from The Free Press, Dr. Henry Tull, owner of The Tull Hotel building, admitted that the report that he was considering making some additions to the hotel in the near future, was not without foundation. “I have no definite plans. I have plenty of rooms in the back to make whatever enlargements seem wise, but I don’t want to be quoted now for I don’t know just what I am going to do,” said Dr. Tull.

Forrest Smith, proprietor of the hotel, was seen in regard to the report, and he said that it was true that he and Dr. Tull had been discussing the matter but that nothing definite could be given out at this time. Gathered from what Dr. Tull and Mr. Smith said, The Free Press concludes that there will be some improvements made and that there is a probability of a number of additional rooms as well as an enlargement of the dining room.

This addition is very badly needed. Proprietor Smith states that it is not an uncommon occurrence for him to have to send guests away to seek other quarters, and that it is practically a nightly occurrence that he has more than his present facilities will take care of.

From the front page of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Saturday, February 3, 1923

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