
Monday, February 13, 2023

Why Are Paved Streets Muddy? Feb. 13, 1923

Muddy Side Streets . . . Cause Mud to Accumulate in Other Streets

Every vehicle that goes not Wall street brings out a lot of mud on the wheels. At the intersection of Wall and Hillsboro streets, at the office of the Carolina Power and Light Company, there is always a heavy accumulation of dirt on the sidewalk. You can follow with the naked eye the red streak of mud from Wall street for a dozen blocks in every direction.

The street that is being graded from College street east to Gilliam street, the same being situated between the Owen Warehouse and Lyon-Winston Companys’ store, is the cause of much mud being deposited on College street while the work is in progress.

Once the side streets are paved, it will be an easy matter to keep the streets in the business section clean at all times.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Feb. 13, 1923

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