
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Work Begins on New First Christian Church, Feb. 25, 1923

New Church Building Will Get Started Soon on Hillsboro Street for Congregation of First Christian Church Now Cramped for Space

Plans are now complete and work will start on a new church building for the First Christian Church at the corner of Hillsboro and Dawson streets, within a few months, officers of the church have announced. Arrangements have been made for the disposition of the old church auditorium and the work of tearing down and hauling away will be started in a few weeks.

The architects are Nelson and Cooper of Raleigh, and the new building as designed will cover the entire lot at this location, where the old building formerly covered only a portion of the available space. It is intended to make the structure modern in every particular, and the cost is estimated at from $75,000 to $100,000.

The church auditorium as planned will seat about 650 people, and when both church and Sunday school auditoriums are thrown together, the total seating capacity will be approximately 1,000. The second story above the Sunday school auditorium will be given over to class rooms for the Sunday school, while the balcony of the church auditorium will be divided into sections that it may also be used for Sunday school classes.

The exterior of the church is to be finished in stone according to the specifications. It is hoped to use a native Wake county stone.

Social Center Also

It is also expected to have the basement so constructed that it may be used for a community meeting place making the church a social as well as a religious center. The new pastor of this church, Dr. W.D. Parry, comes here with wide experience in church building. He has been pastor of both big and little churches, but in no case has one of the little churches remained small. Dr. Parry gave his time during the war to Y.M.C.A. work, since then having been on the lecture platform until the beginning of his work here January 1st of this year. Under his vigorous administration, all members of the church are confident the work will go forward rapidly.

The church building committee is composed of L.L. Vaughan, chairman; C.H. Stephenson, W.C. Adkins, Mrs. L.L. Vaughan, P.T. Hines, and the pastor as an ex-officio member. Work has just begun in raising the necessary funds and will not be carried on without intermission until the necessary amount has been subscribed and paid.

From page 24 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, Feb. 25, 1923

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