
Monday, March 6, 2023

Ambrose Melton Drowns During Fainting Spell, March 6, 1923

Man Drowns In Shallow Water. . . Mr. Ambrose Melton, Suffering Fainting Attack, Falls Into First Broad River

Forest City Courier

Returning from the Fortune store in Golden Valley section last Saturday about 3 o’clock, Mrs. Roy Fortune was started to find the body of a man in First Broad river. She immediately gave the alarm, and the body proved to be that of Mr. Ambrose Melton, well-known farmer of that section. The body was found near the ford. On the bank of the river was found some packages of goods that Mr. Melton ha purchased at the Fortune store, and form this fact it was surmised that he had suffered a fainting spell, to which he was subject, and had fallen into the water, which was not more than eight to 10 inches deep, and he should have easily gotten out had he not suffered the attack of illness.

Saturday afternoon Mr. Melton had announced to his family that he was going to the store to make a few purchases. He was seen to leave the store, but no one saw him fall into the water. It is thought that the body had been in the river about one hour when found by Mrs. Fortune.

The unfortunate accident caused a pall of gloom to settle over the entire community. Mr. Melton was widely known and had many relatives and friends in the county. He was a son of Mr. Jules Melton and was about 42 years old. He leaves his wife and three children.

There seems to be no doubt that Mr. Melton lost his life by falling into the water when attacked by one of the fainting spells with which he suffered at intervals.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, March 6, 1923

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