
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Drs. Scruggs and Harbison Form New Shelby Hospital, March 23, 1923

Drs. Scruggs and Harbison Form Staff at the New Shelby Public Hospital. . . Both Are Surgeons of Note—Dr. Scruggs to Divide Time Between Shelby and Charlotte—Dr. Harbison Resident Surgeon—Miss Nichols Superintendent

Dr. Marvin Scruggs is to be chief consulting surgeon, Dr. J.B. Harbison, resident surgeon, and Miss Ella McNichols superintendent of the Shelby Public Hospital when it opens the latter part of May, according to arrangements made by the board of trustees in a meeting Monday when they met to buy the furniture and equipment for this new institution for which No. 6 township voted a bond of $100,000 in February 1922. This staff is an able one and the trustees are being congratulated on securing them.

Surgeons of Note

Dr. Marvin Scruggs is well known in Cleveland County. He was born in Rutherford, was graduated from several of the leading medical colleges, was assistant surgeon for a number of years of the Rutherford hospital, was overseas during the world war in the medical corps and for several years has been located at Charlotte where he has a large practice. Dr. Scruggs will not live in Shelby for the present, but will come back and forth as occasion demands, keeping in close touch with the patients, and dividing his time between Charlotte and Shelby.

Dr. J.B. Harbison, who has been selected as resident surgeon, is a native of Morganton, this state, is a graduate of Johns Hopkins medical college and for the past five years has been resident surgeon in the Pennsylvania hospital which has 400 beds. Dr. Harbison is a young man 35 years of age and single, with a pleasing personality and a wonderful skill as a surgeon. He comes highly recommended and will no doubt rapidly build up his reputation here.

School for Nurses

Miss Ella McNichols is to be the superintendent and head of the school for nurses. She has had a number of years’ experience in some of the leading hospitals of the county since her graduation. The past two years she was superintendent of the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte and is regarded as one of the most efficient women in her profession, possessing an abundance of sympathy and wonderful executive and business ability. Miss McNichols will be at the head of the training school for nurses and while she will bring with her several graduate nurses, she will be in need of several young women of fine character and a high school education who wish to take nurse training. Anyone wishing to take the training should communicate with A.W. McMurry, secretary of the board of trustees, who will in turn present the applications to Miss McNichols when she arrives.

Fine Equipment

The hospital equipment has not as yet been purchased, but estimates are being received by the trustees and they promise to furnish and equip the hospital with the best equipment possible, from basement to operating room. A large X-ray machine will be purchased and the operating room will be fully equipped for surgical cases of all kinds.

It is expected that the new hospital will be completed and ready for opening the latter part of May. It has been in process of erection since last summer, Mr. Abee of Lincolnton having the contract. The work has been supervised by A.P. Weathers and those who have examined the building declare that it is one of the finest structures in the county.

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Friday, March 23, 1923

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