
Monday, March 27, 2023

Elliott Building to Construct New Mill, 16 Cottages, March 27, 1923

Let Contract for New Nelson Mill. . . Elliott Construction Company to Build the Mill and 16 Cottages

The contract was awarded last week to the Elliott Building Company of Hickory for the erection of the main building, the warehouse and cottages of the Nelson Cotton Mill to be located at Whitnel. The contract calls for the completion of these buildings by Aug. 1. Other contracts in connection with this new mill have already been (awarded?) and work is to be started right away. It is expected that they will begin today, said J. Lee Nelson Jr. Excavating was begun several weeks ago under the direction of T.F. Seehorn of Lenoir. Work on all the contracts will be rushed as rapidly as possible, and the officials of this mill hope to get the mill running some time in August.

The mill building will be built of brick and will be 80 by 315 feet long, and will contain 6,500 spindles.

The cottages will be located on the Caja’s mountan road to the southwest of the cotton mill.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, March 27, 1923

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