
Monday, March 20, 2023

End of School Year Events, March 20, 1923

First Group Commencement

Everyone in the school communities of Beach Hill, Graig Mountain, Grandin, Carlton and King’s Creek is planning to be at the latter place next Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. All the above schools will have a part in the commencement exercises.

There will be dramatization, storytelling, reading and recitation contests. After the contests we shall have an address by Mr. W.C. Newland. Of course all will be delighted and benefited. At the close of Mr. Newland’s address there will be a picnic dinner. Everybody bring a basket. After dinner there will be many ring games by the primary children under the direction of Miss Mae Teague of the Carlton school, the games of the intermediate children will be under the leadership of Mr. H.M. Beach of the Beach Hill school.

This will be a red-letter day in the history of King’s Creek.


School Closes at Saw Mills

The closing entertainment of Saw Mills school will be held Saturday night, March 24.

From the first page of the Lenoir News-Topic, March 20, 1923

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