
Monday, March 27, 2023

Four Home from Hickory Hospital, March 27, 1923

Mrs. McDade Returns Home

Mrs. Fletcher McDade returned home from Hickory Sunday, where she has been for the past two weeks in a hospital. She underwent an operation, and is now getting along nicely.


Have Tonsils and Adenoids Removed

Misses Francis and Lois Shell were taken to Hickory last week where they were placed in a local hospital. Frances had her tonsils removed and Lois had her tonsils and adenoids. The girls returned home Monday, and are getting along nicely.


Miss Louise Jennings, who has been in a Hickory hospital for several weeks, was able to return home last week and is greatly improved.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, March 27, 1923

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