
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Gaston Is Wonder County, March 25, 1923

Press Comment

A Wonder County

Secretary Allen of the Gastonia chamber of commerce has completed a dependable survey of the textile industry of Gaston county, in which it is disclosed that the number of cotton mills in active operation is 98. It had been popularly supposed that the number passed the 100 mark by four, but it appears that six mills that had been promoted during the boom times and which had been listed, had not materialized. They had liquidated instead of having gone into operation. But as it is, Gaston retains supremacy in textile business. It ranks as the third largest textile county in the world, being surpassed in spindleage only by Bristol county in Massachusetts and Providence county in Rhode Island. The amount of capital invested in the cotton mills in Gaston is $35,979,600, and the mills of the county gave employment to 16,183 operatives. But Gaston is not stopping. There are 10 new mills under construction, and when these are put into operation, the textile figures for the county will be tremendously swollen. As an industrial center, Gaston is developing into a world wonder.

--Charlotte Observer

From the editorial page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, March 25, 1923

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