
Friday, March 17, 2023

High School Basketball Squad Entertained by Mis Harnsberger, March 20, 1923

The Girl’s Basket Ball Squad was delightfully entertained Friday night by Miss Harnsberger, the coach.

The High School cafeteria was decorated in green and white colors of St. Patrick’s Day, and the three course dinner which was served, also carried out the color scheme.

During the evening the hostess toasted the present captain, the present manager, and Mr. Charles Phillips and Mrs. MacFadden who have helped with this year’s team.

The hit of the evening was, without a doubt, the novelty trio rendered by Miss Harnsberger, Mr. MacFadden and Mr. Phillips. If there had been any formality, it would certainly have disappeared after this song.

Near the close of the evening, Yvonne Stinnett presented a fountain pen to Miss Harnsberger, a token of the team’s love and affection for her and her work.

After most of the fun was over, the members of the squad turned their attention to a matter of a little more serious nature, that of electing the captain and manager for next year. After the balloting was finished, it was found that Margaret Meyers would captain the squad and that Patty Webb would manage it. With two such leaders, the only possible outcome for next season is success.

From the front page of High Life, for a better Greensboro High School, March 20, 1923

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