
Saturday, March 4, 2023

'In and Out of Town' from Durham Morning Herald, March 4, 1923

In and Out of Town

Mrs. A.R. Wynne of this city and her brother, Mr. Phillip Robbins of Greensboro, left Friday evening to attend the bedside of their brother, Mr. Lockwood Robbins, who is seriously ill at the Knickerbocker hospital in New York.

The friends of Mrs. Haywood M. Taylor of Chapel Hill will be sorry to hear that she is ill at Watts hospital.

Miss Mona Wilkinson has returned to the city from Greenville, where she has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Frances Whedbee. Miss Wilkinson was accompanied home by Miss Whdbee and Miss Ruth Andrews, who will be her guests for the week-end.

Miss Lillian Gattis of Chapel Hill is spending the week-end here the guests of Mrs. Sam Wood at her home on 8th street in West Durham.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edmunson of Goldsboro are spending the week-end here, the guests of Mrs. Lelia Montague at her home on Chapel Hill street. Mrs. Edmundson was formerly Miss Lelia Davis of this city.

Dr. Thomas Mann of Fairview, who was formerly of Durham, spent yesterday in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Barker have returned to the city from a wedding trip to South Carolina, and other points. Mrs. Barker was, prior to her marriage, Miss Sarah Terry of Gibson.

The friends of little Miss Ruth O’Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. O’Brien, will be glad to hear that she is able to be out after being confined to her home on Chapel Hill street for some time with scarlet fever.

Mrs. J.W. Easley of South Boston is spending several days here, the guest of Mrs. E.G. McIver, at her home in West Durham.

Mrs. Elliott of Chapel Hill was a visitor in the city yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Henley of Oxford spent yesterday here.

Mrs. James Thorpe of Raleigh spent yesterday here, the guest of friends.

Miss Mabel Westcott, who is a student at Trinity college, is spending the week-end in Raleigh, the guest of relatives.

Mrs. Charles Jones of Lenoir is spending several days here with her sister, Mrs. K.L. Fulton at her home on Watts street.

Miss Eloise Hannah is spending the week-end in Danville, Va., the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Denny.

Miss Elizabeth Felts had returned to Gainesville, Ga., where she is a student at Brenan College, after spending a week here, the guest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R.L. Felts, at their home on Buchanan boulevard.

Misses Helen and Elizabeth King of Oxford spent yesterday shopping here.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy of Raleigh are the guests of Mrs. Ben Williams, at her home on Mangum street.

Miss Helen Hurley of Greensboro is spending the week-end here, the guest of friends at Trinity college. Miss Hurley attended the Delta Sigma Phi banquet which was held last night.

From page 15 of the Durham Morning Herald, March 4, 1923

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