
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Locals Pay for RR Right of Way to Get Suncrest Lumber Company in Waynesville, March 12, 1923

Big Industry for Waynesville. . . Suncrest Lumber Company Will Locate in Waynesville

As announced in the last issue of the Mountaineer Courier, the Suncrest Lumber Company is practically assured of locating here.

At a mass meeting held in the courthouse on last Friday night considerable enthusiasm was manifest by the most of the civic leaders of Waynesville.

According to those who were in a position to know it required nearly $7,000 to make the railroad right of way assured.

This proved to be a very small matter as the business and professional men immediately on Friday night and on the next day, Saturday, raised much more than the quota; but are still desirous of giving every public spirited citizen an opportunity to show the proper spirit.

We are holding up until all names have been added and then a complete list of all those who participated in the manner will be published next issue.

This news will be received by the citizens of Waynesville with great delight as the location of this mammoth industry will not only add another large payroll in Waynesville but will bring many new citizens here and will be of such inestimable benefit that they are too numerous to mention at this time.

From the front page of the Carolina Mountaineer, Monday, March 12, 1923

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