
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Matthews-Dunn Wedding Held March 14, 1923


On March 14th, at 8:30 o’clock p.m. Miss Elizabeth Matthews became the bride of Mr. B. Benson Dunn. The ceremony was performed by Rev. P.H. Gwynn at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Matthews of Stoneville. The entire lower floor of the home was beautifully decorated using the color scheme of yellow and green. In the parlor an improved altar banked with trailing cedar, ferns and jonquils formed an attractive setting for the bridal party.

Before the ceremony Mrs. Claudia O’Brien, in her charming manner, sang “I Love You Truly,” accompanied by Miss Grace Haizlip, who played the wedding music. As the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march sounded the bridal party slowly descended the winding stairway. Little Miss Catherine Matthews, sister of the bride, and little Miss Ruby Clifton, niece of the bride, entered first carrying baskets of jonquils. Little Miss Loraine Matthews, niece of the bride, in a dainty frock of pink satin entered next, carrying the ring in a lily. Following the little ring bearer came the bride becomingly attired in a navy blue poiret twill with gray accessories. She was met at the foot of the stairway by the groom, who conducted her to the altar. The bride carried a beautiful shower bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the valley.

After the wedding, a reception was given the bridal party and guests. During the reception, which lasted about 30 to 40 minutes, the bride and groom were recipients of congratulations and best wishes from their many friends and relatives. The gifts were beautiful and numerous, attesting the popularity of these fine young people.

The bride is a very popular and attractive young woman, sister of Dr. W.W. Matthews of Leaksville and daughter of Mr. C.H. Matthews of Stoneville. She has been connected with the Boulevard Real Estate Co. of Leaksville for the past three years in a business capacity and has won a host of friends for herself. The groom is a son of Mr. J.W. Dunn of Virginia and is engaged in a successful business in Leaksville, being the owner of the Dunn Tire and Battery Company. He belongs, like the bride, to one of the old and excellent families of this community.

Immediately after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Dunn departed for Washington, Baltimore and other points.

From the front page of The Carolina Mountaineer and the Waynesville Courier, Leaksville, Thursday, March 15, 1923

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