
Sunday, March 5, 2023

Robert Thornberg Buried, Ed Todd and Ed Hess Fined, March 5, 1923

Thornberg Buried and Mates Pay Fine. . . Liberation of Hess and Todd Leaves Thornburg’s Death a Mystery

Salisbury, March 2—Another chapter was written Thursday and probably the final chapter in the wild drinking party that began in the Vance mill neighborhood Tuesday night when three men got a half gallon of whiskey and proceeded to make a night of it. One of the members of the party, Robert L. Thornberg, was buried this morning and at the time of his funeral the other two were being heard in county court. One of them, Ed Todd, well-known carpenter, was fined $135 in three cases including being drunk, attempt to break and enter the home of John Howard, and assault with a knife on Henry Hess. The third member of the party, Ed Hess, was fined $10 for being drunk.

Since Todd and Hess were ?? by the action of the coroner’s jury which failed to put the blame for Thornberg’s death on any certain person, there has been no further development in the way of clearing up the mystery of Thornberg’s injury.

From page 3 of The Concord Times, March 5,1923

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