
Friday, March 24, 2023

South Shelby School Closing Exercises, March 24, 1923

South Shelby School Closes This Week

The closing exercises of the South Shelby school will be given Thursday and Friday night, April 26th and 27th. The following is the program:

Thursday night at 7:45 p.m.—Patriotic drill. Play Crowning the May Queen. Declamation and recitation contest. Educational address by Supt. I.C. Newton.

Friday night, 7:45 p.m.—Song “You Are Welcome if You Keep Right Still.” Floral drill—24 girls. Play “tom Thumb Wedding.” Drill—“Beautiful Belles and Dudes.” Play “Ebeneer’s Surprise Party.” Operetta “A Rose Dream.”

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., March 24, 1923. The newspaper is clearly labeled March 24 and this article say school closing exercises will be held "later this week," April 26 and 27. I don't know which is correct.

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