
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Tobacco Growers Out of Debt Thank Co-Ops, March 22, 1923

Tobacco Co-Ops Much Gratified at Double Cash. . . Virginia Senate Passes Bill to Safeguard Contracts of Association—Payment of $1.5 Million Last Saturday

Raleigh, March 21—The payment of $1.5 million last Saturday by the Tobacco Growers Cooperative association of its members in the dark-fired belt of Virginia and in Eastern North Carolina brought satisfaction to thousands of growers in two states.

The growers of Virginia at all of the cooperative markets have received more from their first two advances by the association than the price of average years would bring from the season’s sales. Numbers of growers in the association have now averaged around $20 per 100 on their two payments and reports from several points last Saturday stated that new signers were coming into the association, which is certain to make a third substantial disbursement to its members in the dark belt.

The Eastern Carolina farmers are much elated over Saturday’s cash payment and a number of growers stated that they were out of debt for the first time in years and were now in a position to pay cash for their fertilizer. The merchants who have recently advertised their desire to help the marketing association in eastern Carolina are enjoying a rush business, according to all reports, as the members of the association are said to be spending the money from this last disbursement freely.

All of the cooperative warehouses will close for the season during the next six weeks, and officials of the tobacco association are urging the members to complete deliveries. The last bright markets of the association in Virginia and North Carolina will close on March 30th, according to the latest announcement of T.C. Watkins Jr., director of warehouses.

From the front page of the Harnett County News, Lillington, March 22, 1923

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