
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Walton Newbern Starting Anew in Orlando, Fla., March 30, 1923

W.W. Newbern Locates in Orlando, Florida. . . Missing Produce Dealer Starts Life Again in a New Field

Walton W. Newbern, formerly manager of the Newbern Produce Co., of this city, who disappeared several weeks ago without confiding his plans to relatives, friends or business associates, is in Orlando, Fla., in the real estate and produce business, according to letters received by relatives in this city within the past week.

Having lost heavily in the potato deal for three years and having become hopelessly involved financially, Mr. Newbern packed a grip and kissed his local troubles good-bye several weeks ago. Those close to his affairs guessed that the time that he would show up in some other part of the country in an effort to recover his lost fortune. It is said that he had an attractive position as Florida buyer for a big New York commission house and is selling real estate on the side. His friends are confident he will make good and save the bulk of his mortgaged property in this city and section in time.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., March 30, 1923

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