
Monday, March 20, 2023

Watauga Farmers May Build Sauerkraut Manufacturing Plant at Boone, March 20, 1923

Plan to Erect Big Sauerkraut Plant. . . Watauga Farmers Promoting Co-Operative Manufacturing Plant at Boone

Plans are being made by Watauga County farmers to build a plant for manufacturing sauerkraut. It is to be a co-operative business for the purpose of utilizing all of the cabbage grown in the surrounding counties. Work on the organization is being pushed by John B. Steele, county farm agent, and N.H. Blair, sauerkraut specialist of the State extension department.

It is the plan of those who are interested in the organization to complete a plant that will receive, grade and handle the entire output of the section. Practically all of the cabbage will be turned into kraut and put up in small packages, as well as in tubs and large barrels.

For years Watauga County has grown the finest cabbage to be found in the South. The Watauga cabbage has a crispness and flavor given them by climatic conditions that are not to be found elsewhere. Heretofore a larger part of the crop of mountain cabbage in the Watauga section has been marketed here in Lenoir. Thousands of wagons during years past, and in more recent months, trucks, have been used in bringing these cabbage to market. The local market has not been developed in such a way as to take care of the product, and Watauga farmers have lost heavily when expenses for hauling have been figured. Through manufacturing the cabbage, they hope to overcome this loss and possibly market under better conditions.

From the first page of the Lenoir News-Topic, March 20, 1923

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