
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Forest Smith Injured During Boy Scout Clean-Up of City, April 5, 1923

Forest Smith Injured

The serious injury of Forest Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Smith, last Monday, was most regrettable. Fay(??) with other Boy Scouts of the city, was assisting in the city clean-up campaign, and having been assigned duty with a truck, was engaged with the other scouts in hauling trash. Four boys including Forest were sitting on the rear end of the truck driven by Ben Ramsaur, colored, with their feet hanging down. The driver was turning the truck around at a point near Saxony bridge. He backed one, the boys holding their feet inside. Thinking the driver was going ahead, the boys resumed their normal position, but instead of going ahead the truck was backed a second time and the rear end when back against the embankment catching both of Forest’s legs between truck bed and embankment, and breaking both bones in the right leg and badly bruising the left. Young Smith was immediately taken to Lincoln hospital, where the bones were set Tuesday, and Fay returned home. He is reported today as getting along nicely, the entire community will be glad to learn.

From page 2 of The Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, April 5, 1923. Perhaps Forest Smith’s nickname was Fay?

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