
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Fred Gaddy Not Re-elected Town Commissioner After Bold Stand Against KKK, Says Editor, April 26, 1923

No use to try to analyze just why Fred Gaddy was not re-elected as town commissioner. He is the kind who had rather see no attempt at explanation. But, whatever the cause, it is no reflection on him. Awhile back he was hostile to the Ku Klux Klan, and let his sentiments become known in no uncertain tones. His attitude was such as to draw to him defeat from this source alone, if defeat it is to be called. He stands boldly and fearless in his convictions, and one never has to look behind the bush to see just how or where Gaddy stands on any question. He has fought when his fighting saved the town large sums of money. He has accepted criticism from sources that knew not that the thing being criticized was in conformity to the wishes of those for whose benefit the criticisms were being offered, and when his position was one calling for praise rather than censure. We hold no brief for Mr. Gaddy, but the best evidence given of his worth to the town and the true zeal he displayed comes by way of appraisal on part of the men who were associated with him. Wilson was defeated when the country most needed him. Bryan was never able to gain recognition. So one can’t sometimes always tell.

From the editorial page of The Albemarle Press, April 26, 1923, J.D. Bivins, owner and editor

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