
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Heedless Drivers Causing Tragic Accidents, Says Newspaper, April 18, 1923

The Heedless Driver

An automobile dashing out of a side street into a main artery of traffic in Raleigh, encountering another car and a terrific collision occurred. Two young men were killed and several others were seriously hurt. In Reidsville the same day, a young girl crossing the street, was run down by an automobile and killed. Again, on the same day, an aged citizen of Burnsville, coming out from behind a wagon, was run over by a passing automobile, receiving injuries from which he died while being carried to a hospital. In the latter two cases there may have been contributary carelessness, but in the former, reckless driving seems to have been the responsible factor, and may be taken as representative of the prevailing disregard of the common laws of safety. One may stand on almost any corner of Trade and Tryon streets in Charlotte and marvel at the city’s immunity from daily accident. Not a day passes that the one-day directions are not ignored; street corners are shaved and turned at high speed; motorcycles fly by with thunderous noise and with the speed of a bullet. The reckless driver is having his day, to establishment of himself as the community menace. Monday’s record in the State ought to be sufficient to cause him to take counsel with himself—but will he do it?

--Charlotte Observer

From the editorial page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Wednesday, April 18, 1923, as reprinted from the Charlotte Observer

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