
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Jessie Austin Guilty of Manslaughter; No True Bill for Archie Palmer on Murder Charge, April 12, 1923

Court Last Week. . . Emphasizes Need of New Court House—No True Bill in Palmer Murder Case—Automobile Thieves Get Sentence

The criminal term of our court last week called forth a large attendance on account of the interest manifested in some of the cases.

Owing to a delay in arrival of Judge W.F. Harding, the session did not convene until Wednesday morning. Judge Harding’s charge to the grand jury was an able one, giving emphasis upon observance and enforcement of laws. F. Don Phillips, Esq., the solicitor, made a most favorable impression upon the people. He is a young man of fine appearance, and it is apparent that he is well equipped for handling the state’s side of criminal matters.

The following served as grand jurors:

George Deese, Claude J. Brooks, M.M. Almond, E.L. Burris, W.E. Little, H.A. Harwood, C.R. Shankle, George H. Tucker, D.C. Hahn, B.L. Morton, Joshua Hudson, Green F. Poplin, N.B. Baldwin, C.H. Josey, W.M. Gordon, S.M. Alexander, Dan J. Hatley, L.H. Sides, N.B. Baldwin, foreman.

Cases were disposed of as follows:

State vs. Benton Talbert, Rufus Foreman. Good behavior shown. Continued under former order.

State vs. Nick Norman, C.M. Crocker. Larceny of automobile in states. Norman two years in state’s prison; Crocker one year in prison.

State vs. Kid Williams, Breaking into storehouse. One year on chain gang.

State vs. James Diggs. Forgery. Two years in state’s prison.

State vs. James Williams. Burglary, Two years in state’s prison.

W.B. Moose vs. G.D. Blalock. Judgement in favor of plaintiff.

State vs. Archie Palmer. Murder. Not a true bill.

State vs. Arnold Davis. Felonious breaking and larceny. Pleads guilty; 4 years in state’s prison.

State vs. Benson Cole. Attempting to rape. Guilty; one year on chain gang.

State vs. Jessie Austin. Murder. Guilty of manslaughter. Three years in state’s prison.

Grand Jury Makes Report

We, the grand jury, respectfully submit the following report to his honor, Judge Harding:

We have examined the courthouse and find it in its present condition, in our judgment, unsanitary. We also visited the various offices and find that they are neatly kept, and that all books are well kept.

We recommend that the old toilet at the rear of the courthouse be put in a condition that it can be used.

We visited the jail by committee and find that it is well kept and in first-class condition with the exception of some equipment for a lavatory for the second floor.

The prisoners say they are well fed and cared for.

We have visited the chain gang in a body and made a thorough investigation and we find it to be in fine shape. We examined every prisoner individually, and find all rumors and reports to be false. The prisoners told us individually, and collectively, that they were well fed and received good treatment, but that sometimes it became necessary for the superintendent to chastise them just a little, to which the superintendent admitted and said that he was always merciful and in the bounds of reason, and never restored to this only as a last resort. (said result but I think the writer meant resort.) We recommend the building of a new courthouse.

We recommend the removing of some old unused paper and books from the office of the clerk of the court to a room upstairs till other arrangements can be made.

We have carefully investigated every matter that has been brought to our attention and acted upon all bills coming from the solicitor. We find the county home in general to be in good condition, and the paupers to be well cared for.

Signed: N.B. Baldwin, Foreman of Grand Jury.

From the front page of the Albemarle Press, Thursday, April 12, 1923. Chastisement on the chain gang may have meant a beating or whipping.

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