
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Leaksville Nine Defeat Danville, April 23, 1923

Leaksville High Defeats Nine from Danville

A strong nine from Danville, composed of ex-high school players, came to Leaksville Saturday with the avowed purpose of administering a severe defeat to the local high school team. But the score card tells a different story.

The high school boys started things going the first inning and scored three runs before Danville nine could stop their onslaught. After the first frame, the Danvillians settled down and played good ball.

Features of the game: for Leaksville, hitting of Sid Smith and pitching of Hill; For Danville, home run by M. Hughes and pitching of Walker.

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., April 23, 1923

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