
Monday, April 24, 2023

Lexhipep, April 24, 1923 Issue

Stories by Christine McCrary, ’23; Dorothy Sink, ’24; John Andrew, ’24; Frances Thompson, ’24; and a poem by Elizabeth Davis, ’24 on page 1 of Lexhipep.

Advertisements by Pickett & Green and by Attorneys-at-Law L.A. Martin, J.M. Daniel Jr., Phllips & Bowe, and Raper & Raper on page 2 of Lexhipep. Also a story by Virginia McCarn, ’23.

Stories by Ruth McCarn, ’26; and Marion Hitchcock; a poem by Elizabeth Davis, ’23; and advertisements by S.L. Owen, fancy and staple groceries, and Home Plumbing & Mch. Co, 25 years of plumbing and heating experience, on page 3 of Lexhipep.

Story by Elizabeth Davis, ’24; and poems by Martha Burkhead, ’24; and Pauline Sink, ’26; on page 4 of Lexhipep.

Advertisements by People’s Drug Store and Grimes’ Ice Cream and Coca-Cola in Bottles, 5 cents; on page 5 of Lexipep.

Story by Martha Burkhead, ’23 and poem by Mabel Cecil, ’25; Advertisements by Veazey’s Bakery and lawyers S.A. Delap, J.R. McCrary, Sink & Brinkley, and Walser Walser & Walser on page 6 of Lexhipep.

Poems by Jesse Leonard and Carl Wilson, ’25; and advertisements by J.F. Ward Co., Sink & Green and Jule C. Smith on page 7 of Lexhipep.

High School Statistics and an advertisement for the senior class Grand Carnival on page 8 of Lexihipep.

The Lexhipep, a monthly newspaper published by the Lexington High School, April 24, 1923 issue.

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