
Monday, April 17, 2023

McPherson to Dip Cattle, Other Court News, April 17, 1923

Irreconcilable Is Ready to Dip Cattle

Opposition to cattle dipping for tick eradication in Pasquotank seems now to be wearing itself down almost to the vanishing point.

O.A. McPherson, recently convicted and fined for failure to dip as required, and who had been indicted for a second offense this season, had asked for a jury trial and his case set for trial Tuesday morning. On Tuesday, however, through his attorney the defendant stated that he had decided to comply with the law and asked the State to take a nol pros in this instance. Trial Justice Spence continued the case for 30 days, indicating that if the defendant showed himself as complying with the law during that period the court would consent to nol pros the case.

Other Cases

Jim Dance, colored, who obtained a divorce from his wife some time since on statutory grounds, was before Trial Justice Spence Tuesday morning on a charge of non-support of his children by the divorce’s wife. It appeared that the mother had insisted on keeping and supporting the children when dance first divorced her but that now she wished to be rid of them, for the purpose, the court seemed inclined to think, of getting married again. A father under the law is legally bought to support his children, but as it seemed that Dance had had good ground for divorce and that the woman’s desire to put them off on Dance was rather sudden, Judge Spence said that she might send two of the children to Jim but that she would have to take care of the other two herself.

Ivy Hawkins, colored, for assault was fined $5 and costs.

L.E. Jennings Monday for failing to park his car at the approach of a fire truck was fined $5 and costs.

Howard Carlin and Frank Wood, New Yorkers now working on a State road construction force in this section, were found guilty of assault on Walter Johnson, were fined by Trial Justice Spence Monday, Carlin in the sum of $10 and Wood $5, each defendant bearing half the costs in addition to the fine.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Tuesday evening, April 17, 1923

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