
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Mill Workers Want Raises, April 29, 1923

Textile Workers After Increases

By the Associated Press

Huntersville, N.C., April 28—At a meeting held here this afternoon of the joint council of the Textile Workers’ unions of North Carolina and South Carolina, a resolution was adopted calling upon the officers of the various unions affiliated with the council to take immediate steps looking toward increase in wages. Another resolution adopted declared that the bonus system used by some textile mills was not acceptable to the workers, on the grounds that it depended on continuity of work. A third resolution condemned the discharge of men who affiliate with organized labor and declared that such action on the part of the mills would not be countenanced by the textile unions.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the unions in the two Carolinas, and it is understood that the movement for wage increases will get underway at once.

From page 10 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, April 29, 1923

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