
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Miss Kate Burr Johnston to Investigate Charges at State Prison, April 15, 1923

Ask Probe of Prison Charge. . . State Prison Directors to Look Into Matter

By the Associated Press

Wadesboro, N.C., April 14—James A. Leak, chairman of the board of directors of the state prison, today advised Miss Kate Burr Johnston, commissioner of public welfare, that he would bring the matter of charges of inhumane treatment in the state prison, preferred by E.E. Dudding, of the prison relief society, to the attention of directors of the prison at their meeting in Raleigh Tuesday May 8, and will “take such action as they deem proper.” Mrs. Johnston has written Mr. Leak suggesting that an investigation of Dudding’s charges be made in the interests of the state.

Dudding has charged that inhumane treatment of convicts at the state penitentiary has been reported to him and that he has received a letter signed by 25 convicts complaining of the alleged ill treatment.

Mr. Leak is quoted as saying that he is not in favor of an investigation of Dudding’s charges, preferring to treat them with contempt.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, April 15, 1923

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