
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Nobles Innocent Say His Comrades on Death Row, April 30, 1923

Prisoners Contribute to Fight to Save Nobles

Raleigh, April 30—His comrades in “death row” have contributed $23 to the fund being raised by Rev. Sylvester Betts, local minister, to fight for the life of Daniel Milton Nobles of Columbus county, who is under death sentence for the alleged murder of his second cousin, Henry Nobles.

“The boys in ‘death row’ all believe that Dan Nobles is innocent,” said Rev. Mr. Betts today, “and they have contributed their mite to the fund we are raising in an effort to save this man.”

Nobles was to have been put to death in the electric chair at 10:30 o’clock Tuesday morning, but appeals were made by Rev. Mr. Betts, P.H. Weathers and Loomis Godwin, local churchmen, who declare they believe him innocent, caused Governor Morrison to grant a reprieve of 60 days in order that he may look further into the case.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, April 30, 1923

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