
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Rutherfordton In Midst of Growth Spurt, April 19, 1923

Rutherfordton in Greatest Prosperity Wave in History. . . Business Very Good—Solid Block to be Erected Soon—Many New Residences Going Up—To Manufacture Ice Cream—Homes Completed—More Room Needed

The building wave and boost of Rutherfordton continues. Traveling men and strangers passing by are talking about the wonderful developments here. Never have carpenters been so scarce. Building material is in big demand. Crews are working at full speed and then cannot keep pace with the needs.

Business Very Good

The banks of the county report the best business since Christmas of any time since the spring of 1919. The local Southern railway office did twice the business in the last month that it did in March, 1922. The Seaboard reports a big business. The post office force is overworked and needing more help. It is hoped they will get it after July 1st, when the local office becomes second class.

Real estate is in big demand and land sales occur almost every week. Help is scarce and wages are good.

Paving Finished Soon

The Fiske-Carter Construction company expects to have the hard surface road to Forest City completed by July 1st or 15th. They will soon be to the present detour below the residence of Mr. J.D. Ledbetter. It is their intention then to start at the concrete at the Seaboard depot and work towards Forest City. When completed this road will connect what is probably one of the fastest growing and rapidly developing sections of the entire southland, Rutherfordton, Forest City and Spindale.

The Sun finds it impossible to keep in touch with all new buildings and improvements here, they spring up so fast. Work on the new Iso-Thermal Hotel and the new Baptist church are being rushed to completion. Both are expected to be finished and occupied soon.

Homes Completed

Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Crawford are now in their handsome new residence near the hospital.

The new nurses home is completed and is now occupied. It is a beautiful brick structure, situated at the west end of the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon L. Freeman are in their new bungalow near the graded school.

Mr. G.W. Hodge recently completed a new home near his residence.

Mr. Joe Gibbs recently moved into his new bungalow on Hospital street.

Miss Giles of the hospital has just completed a new home near the residence of Register of Deeds M.T. Wilkie.

Homes Under Construction

Mr. J.L. Taylor will soon finish a handsome two-story residence on the highway at the edge of town.

Mr. Tom R. Saunders will soon finish a new bungalow opposite the residence of Mr. T.F. Oates and will occupy it by May 1st.

Mr. K.E. Simpson is erecting a modern nine-room brick home between the residence of Messrs. T.F. Oates and R.P. Scruggs.

Mr. M.T. Wilkie is building a new house near his residence.

Mr. Chas. Hill is erecting an attractive bungalow opposite his home.

Mr. Chas. L. McFarland will soon finish a new bungalow for his use.

Mr. Fred Hill is erecting a new bungalow on Meridian street. Meridian street runs from Mr. H.T. Green’s via Mrs. A.R. Yelton’s and Mr. Chas. Hill’s.

Hill and Justice, contractors, are erecting three attractive bungalows on Meridian street.

Mr. H.T. Green is erecting a nice five-room house on Meridian street.

Meridian street is becoming very popular as a residential section.

Mayor M.L. Justice is building a nice house near the residence of Prof. J.O. Wood.

Mr. Walter Barnes is erecting a new home near the residence of Mr. J.P. Lewis.

Mr. Ed Waldrop, night watchman, is building a new home near the hospital.

Attorney M.L. Edwards has three attractive bungalows under construction.

Mrs. J.R. Geer is erecting a new bungalow on Green street.

Mr. John Miller is building an attractive bungalow on Green street.

Mr. Furman Hodge will soon complete a new garage and filling station at the edge of town on the highway towards Chimney Rock. It is 30 x 26 feet.

To Be Erected Soon

Work on the new jail on Washington street will start soon.

Dr. F.W.H. Logan will soon begin the erection of a nine-room brick bungalow on North Washington street.

Many improvements will be made at the Rex Theatre soon. It will be enlarged. A new gold fiber screen was recently added. Two of the latest type Simplex machines have recently been installed. It is now one of the best equipped theatres in the state.

John Michael, colored, will build two new homes near the highway soon.

Messrs. W.L. Long, Alex Logan and Dr. Matt McBrayer will possibly build attractive modern residences on the highway at the edge of town this year.

Mr. J.C. Cowan will remodel his home on North Main street soon.

Messrs. A.L. Morris, Arthur Callahan and others will probably build later on North Washington street.

Mr. Call Williams and possibly his father, Mr. J.M. Williams, will build soon on the highway towards Chimney Rock, about two miles out.

Ice Cream Made Here

The People’s Ice and Fuel Company will soon begin the manufacture of “Blue Ridge Ice Cream.” Their capacity will be about 300 gallons per day. They received a car load of equipment Monday and expect two more cars next week. A special man with many years’ experience will look after making the cream. The equipment is new, modern and sanitary. They will deliver cream, wholesale, over the county and in adjoining counties. This is a growing concern.

Miscellaneous and Needs

Mr. Harry Spohn of Philadelphia will move here this year and make many improvements at his mother’s place near Mr. Ed Tanner’s residence.

The Cleghorn Mills will soon complete six new attractive houses.

Messrs. W.M. and J.O. Griswold and others will open an ice cream plant soon, back of Main street. Thhey are erecting an ice cream plant, instead of a creamery, as was first thought and reported. The machinery is being installed now. They expect to open about May 1st.

Mr. Roy R. Harrill purchased the K.E. Simpson home on Washington street and moved to it last week. Dr. Murphy is occupying the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harrill near the hospital.

The Harrill old stables on Washington street have been torn down and moved. They will be replaced by nice attractive buildings later.

Work on the new block at the corner of Court and Washington streets will begin soon. Excavation has been completed.

North Main street near St. Francis Episcipal church is being widened and improved.

Other buildings will be announced soon.

We need the old, dilapidated buildings torn down. We need some of our people to loosen up and sell some of their undeveloped real estate at a reasonable price so the town can grow. We have some property that cannot be bought reasonable, nor will the owners improve it. We need the Central Hotel enlarged. People are being turned away from both hotels daily for lack of room.

From the front page of The Sun, Rutherfordton, N.C., April 19, 1923

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