
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Spray Girls Demonstrate Accomplishments in Girls Clubs, April 23, 1923

Spray Girls Work, Director Mary Ann Abel. . . Girls Club Notes

The regular gymnasium classes for Monday and Thursday night will be resumed beginning tonight at 7:30. All the gymnasium class is urged to be present.


The Girls Club Stunt Night was a big and certain success. So well was it received that its repetition has ben requested. There were 12 out of the 14 membership groups represented in the program. It is hard to say which affords most amusement and interest to the audience. The girls all deserve great credit for this their first bow to the Leaksville-Spray public. The place and time of the second performance will be announced later.

The gymnasium was not large enough to hold the crowd, and fully 100 people stood during the entire program. Although the admission fee was small, over $65 was netted. Even the girls on the program and all other girl members paid the admission. This money is to go toward the purchasing of the first books for the library at the Girls Club.

The program was presented as follows:

Kindergarten song—Graded school girls.

“The Evolution of Miss Carolina” by the Carolina General Office.

First Aid Demonstrations—High School.

Carpet Rags—The Homemakers.

Taking the census of Spray—Morehead Mill.

The Living Model—Della Martin of the American Warehouse.

Spray and Leaksville in Poetry—Rhode Island.

Pageant of Girls of America—Nantucket.

Lilies of the Valley—Lily Mill Girls.

Gingham Fashion Show—Business Girls.

Patriotic Stunt—The American Bleachery.

The applause was an indication of the general success of each number. To go into detail would require much space and that the edge off for those who will see the second rendition of this fine original first effort.

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., April 23, 1923

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