
Friday, April 14, 2023

Want Ads from Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., April 12, 1923


Good cornfield bean seed for sale at J.H. Fox’s and Square Deal Store.

AUCTION SALE—I will offer for sale one Ford truck at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door at Pittsboro, N.C., on Saturday, April 14, 1923, at 3 o’clock P.M. David Baker

DOG LOST—Bird dog, white body, blue spots, with brown spots over the eyes. Goes by name of Shot. Reward. –J.M. Gregory STRAYED—One red and spotted sow pig. Notify Chester Cross, Pittsboro.

SUGAR as long as it lasts at 10 ½ cents per pound. T.M. Bland & Co.

DON’T WAIT until Sunday. Have your tank filled with gas Saturday at The Square Filling Station.

NEW GRIST MILL—We are now prepared to grind corn in the old fashioned way, on old fashioned rocks, and you get the best meal. Located at the James O. Brown Sales stables on Fayetteville street. Beard Brothers, Pittsboro.

WE ARE PROUD of the many new customers we have in Chatham county and we want to again tell you that we have all you need in the jewelry line and we are experts on repairing watches, clocks and jewelry. Tod R. Edwards, pioneer jeweler, Siler City, N.C.

FORD TRUCK for sale in good condition. –David Baker, Bynum, N.C.

FLOWERS—For flowers for every occasion, see or phone your orders to Mrs. P.H. Elkins, Siler City, N.C., county agent for J. Van Lindley, Florists. LAND POSTED NOTICES can be had at this office when you need them.

BEAT THE BOLL WEEVIL by using Armours high grade fertilizer, 8-3-3, $2.65; 8-2-2, $2.35; Acid, $1.55; Kainitt, $1.60. Sold by D.J. Vestal, Ore Hill, N.C.

FOR SALE—One 3 ½ ton lumber truck, chassis 16 feet, and one 2 ton truck, chassis 12 feet. Both trucks in fine condition. Good bargains, Pennsylvania Lumber Co., Greensboro, N.C.

GET OUR PRICES on repairing your car and all other classes of machinery. We are prepared in every way to give you the flat rate price on all work. All work guaranteed. BONLEE MOTOR & MACHINE WORKS, Bonlee, N.C.

YOU CAN’T be Happy and you can’t do good work unless you are comfortable, and you can’t be comfortable if your shoes are in bad condition. Mail your old shoes to us. Vass Electric Shoe Shop, Vass, N.C.

PINE WOOD WANTED—Quote lowest price on cars and freight rate to this place. Address P.O. Box 172, Raleigh, N.C.

MILL TIMBER FOR SALE—Oak, pine, hickory and poplar. J.N. Hackney, Pittsboro, N.C.

LUMBER OF ALL KINDS and quality. Florida kiln dried ceiling and flooring; we buy cross ties standing in woods or delivered to road. W.F. Bland

WANTED—Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women, and children. Eliminates darning. $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Experience unnecessary. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa.

From page 5 of The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., April 12, 1923

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