
Monday, May 29, 2023

Archie King Writes Home From Jerusalem, May 29, 1923

Waxhaw Boy Writes Home From Jerusalem

Mrs. A.L. Haigler of Waxhaw has received a letter from her brother, Mr. Archie King, telling her of a visit he has lately made to Jerusalem. Mr. King is a printer and has a position in that capacity on the United States Steamship Pittsburg, these large ships carrying a complete printing outfit. The letter follows:

“U.S.S. Pittsburg

7:45 A.M., at sea

April 11, 1923

My Dear Sister:

After spending a couple of weeks at Alexander, Egypt, seeing Cairo, the sphinx, pyramids and tombs of the kings of Egypt we sailed for Haifa, Palestine, a near point of Jerusalem. We stayed in Haifa five days making sight seeing trips to Jerusalem, through the country in automobiles, a distance of about 100 miles. On our way we stopped at Nazareth, the home of Jesus, as a boy, seeing the carpenter shop where Jesus worked with his father, Joseph. A large church stands over the place, the shop being located underneath the altar inside the church. Also saw other places pertaining to Joseph and Mary there. Drove from Nazareth to the sea of Galilee, then back to Nazareth and on to Jerusalem. We arrived in Salem that afternoon (Saturday before Easter). We went to the Holy Sepulchre, the place, Calvary, where Jesus was laid in the tomb. The church which is built over the spot is a place of worship for all nationalities. It is a beautiful sight to see them all worshipping on Eastern morning.

About 8:30 we drove to Bethlehem, arriving in time to see the people worshipping in the large church that was built over the place where Jesus was born—after securing small candles to light our way, which is the custom in the grotto beneath the large altar. We contributed a coin to the priest near the entrance to the manger, and went down the steps into the grotto where the manger was. Some Catholics were holding mass, so we did not interrupt them, but when they were through, we were shown the manger by the priest. It was made of marble. It was so beautiful down in the grotto I shall never forget it.

We were next shown where Mary and Joseph made their home after the birth of Jesus, while they stayed in Bethlehem. I bought a collection of views of those same places I am telling you about.

Arrived back in Jerusalem and went to the Mount of Olives, where Christ ascended into Heaven, I took some interesting pictures there.

We drove back into Jerusalem after seeing the River Jordan. Left Jerusalem at 2 o’clock. A short ways out we came to Rachel’s tomb. Got back to Haifa at 8 o’clock in the evening. It was such a wonderful trip, wish you could have seen it with me. I am so glad I was given the opportunity to see the old world.

We left Haifa, Palestine, for Beyrouth, Syria. While at Beyrouth there was sight-seeing trips to Damascus, the oldest city in the world. Stayed there four days, left for Mercenia, stayed there one day, left for Adelia, which is in Asia. Stayed there about a day. Now we are about to drop anchor at Rhodes, a small island, think we will stay here a day or so and be given liberty.

We are soon to go and have target practice, then afterwards go back to Constantinople, Turkey.

It is said that we stay in Turkey a week or so, then to Italy. We will see Rome also.

Hoping all are well and happy as I myself am, I will close as am expecting mail today.

With my love to all.

Lovingly your brother

J. Archie King

From the front page of the Monroe Journal, May 29, 1923

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