
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dr. L.B. McBrayer Charged With Neglecting Sanatorium, May 17, 1923

McBrayer Under Close Survey As Probe Continues. . . Superintendent Charged With Spending Too Much Time Outside

Raleigh, May 16—The Sanatorium investigation today served a rehash of the old charges that Dr. L.B. McBrayer, superintendent, has spent too much of his time in attending to matters outside of the scope of his employment by the State of North Carolina. The affair threatened to become a wrangle between the lawyers representing Dr. McBrayer and those appearing for N.L. Broughton, Wake County legislator, who forced the investigation.

It may be remembered that Dr. McBrayer is said to have used his state position to get and to make business for other jobs, including a postmastership. Witnesses today testified as to his outside connection, and there was put into the record the allegation that Lewis McBrayer, the superintendent’s son, has been helping supervise the Odd Fellow’s Orphanage farm at Goldsboro.

But from the haziness of some of the evidence and its general tone, considerable speech-making is in prospect unless the summing up and appeals are limited.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Thursday, May 17, 1923

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