
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dr. Ellington, County Health Director, Leaves for New York, May 23, 1923

Dr. A.J. Ellington, Health Officer of Wayne, Leaves Today. . . Many New Features Added to Work During His Activity Here. . . Is to be Succeeded Temporarily by Kerr

Dr. A.J. Ellington, for the past 18 months health official of Wayne county, leaves today for New York where he will be located permanently for about a year taking a post-graduate course in Eye, Nose and Throat work. He will be succeeded temporarily by Dr. A.H. Kerr, City food inspector. Dr. Ellington’s resignation was to have taken effect June 1, but he is leaving a week in advance because he was due two weeks’ vacation.

During Dr. Ellington’s work here the first tonsil and adenoid clinic and the first venereal disease clinics were held and Dr. Kerr, the veterinary surgeon and food inspector has been employed. Both he and his wife who will accompany him to New York made many friends in the city and the county. Prior to becoming county health officer Dr. Ellington was practicing medicine in Raleigh, and prior to that was a captain in the A.E.F. (American Expeditionary Forces. . . means he served in World War I)

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, May 23, 1923

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